May 18, 2017
Pic-a-Pix Color, a new Nintendo 3DS and Wii U game released by Lightwood Games, is now available on the Nintendo eShop in Europe, US and Canada. The game features 150 color Pic-a-Pix puzzles provided exclusively by Conceptis. The puzzles come in...>>
May 04, 2017
Conceptis Block-a-Pix, a new block-filling puzzle game that lets you reveal hidden pixel-art pictures by pure logic deduction, is now available for Android smartphones and tablets. The game features over 200 puzzles in a wide range of sizes and...>>
March 02, 2017
Remember Tic-Tac-Toe we used to play as children? Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic, a challenging single-player puzzle game based on similar principles, is now available for Android smartphones and tablets. The game features over 300 puzzles in a wide range...>>
February 16, 2017
康思连体数独iPad版,是一款崭新的数独谜题游戏,它提供了四种维度的连体数独,现在可以在 苹果商店下载。>>
January 27, 2017
Conceptis Hashi is now also available for Android smartphones and tablets. Hashi is a highly addictive puzzle game where you create bridges between islands by logic deduction. Conceptis Hashi features over 300 puzzles in a wide range of sizes and...>>
January 03, 2017
Mega Mosaik 01, the first printed collection of Conceptis Mega Fill-a-Pix puzzles published by Küng Verlag AG, is now available on Amazon US, Amazon UK and Amazon Germany.>>
December 28, 2016
Conceptis Link-a-Pix is now also available for Android smartphones and tablets. Similar to the iOS version, Link-a-Pix for Android features over 200 puzzles in a wide range of sizes and difficulty levels. The game includes 50 free puzzles to get you...>>
December 22, 2016
支持iPhone和iPad的康思矩形填图 是一款崭新的矩形填色游戏,您可以通过纯粹的逻辑推理还原像素画,现在可以在苹果商店下载 。>>
October 08, 2016
Conceptis Fill-a-Pix is now available at the Amazon Appstore for Android. The game is playable on a variety of Fire tablets as well as on other Android devices through the Amazon Underground app. Fill-a-Pix features over 200 puzzles in a wide range...>>
September 08, 2016
Conceptis Cross-a-Pix, a new puzzle game released for iPhone and iPad earlier this year, is now also available for Android smartphones and tablets. Similar to the iOS version, Cross-a-Pix for Android features over 200 puzzles in a wide range of...>>
August 18, 2016
康思像素填色拼图是一款考验你思维对称性的谜题游戏,通过纯粹的逻辑推理,还原隐藏在游戏中的像素画,现在可以在苹果商店下载 。 寻找对称图,探寻像素画!>>
May 07, 2016
Block-a-Pix, a new logic puzzle which creates pixel-art pictures when solved, is now available from Conceptis. Challenging, deductive and artistic, Block-a-Pix puzzles provide hours of mentally stimulating entertainment to logic puzzle fans...>>