smapli.netsmapli provides smartphone apps, accessories and handsets for Japanese women to enjoy their smartphone life.
iPhoneLife MagazineiPhone Life magazine is a one-stop source for all things iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In each issue you'll find the greatest gear, the best apps, and top tips to get the most from your iDevice. Published by Mango Life Media.
アプリヴ | ApplivAppliv offers more than 10,000 iPhone and iPad Japanese app reviews as well as videos, Apple related news, app ranking information and more.
日刊アプリヴ | Nikkan ApplivNikkan Appliv offers high-quality iPhone and iPad app reviews in Japan, selected by the Nikkan Appliv team.
TapscapeTapscape is a trusted source for up-to-date Apple, iPhone and iPad news, as well as comprehensive reviews of the latest in-apps and games for iOS and Android.
AppSpyAppSpy gives you the latest news and reviews on iPhone, iTouch games and apps, including reviews, videos, news, price changes, and more.
Five Lakes StudioFive Lakes Studio is a group of software industry veterans in Michigan, U.S.A. creating casual family friendly games for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
Lightwood GamesLightwood Games is a small UK based company who have created a number of hit games for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.