New languages (Full Version)

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Peyote -> New languages (3/31/2015 11:14:10 AM)

The best way to reach more people is to make the website available in more languages. Think about all the people who play logic games in the world and who don't speak any of the languages here. For instance, my parents only speak French and I had to explain to them how the games work, otherwise they wouldn't play. More languages means a bigger reach for people all around the world.

In my opinion, here are some of the languages that should be added here:
- French
- Spanish
- Russian
- Italian

mig23 -> RE: New languages (6/1/2015 5:56:54 AM)

There is a website that has French language conceptis puzzle magazines available - I bought one in a store while in France and i have purchased them online (with very reasonable postage fees) at

ldcorum -> RE: New languages (3/11/2016 3:44:03 PM)

There is a much simpler way to deal with this.
1. Pull up in Microsoft Explorer.
2. Right-click the page.
3. Select "translate with Bing" (or equivalent in another language).
4. In the left-hand input box, select "English".
5. In the right-hand input box, select "French", or "German" or whatever target language from those available.
6. The instructions will now be in the target language. You can return to the original by right-clicking again and reloading the original text.

The translations are actually pretty good -- good enough to understand.

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