
Released: Tic-Tac-Logic for Android

Thursday, March 2, 2017 Released: Tic-Tac-Logic for Android

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Remember Tic-Tac-Toe we used to play as children? Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic, a challenging single-player puzzle game based on similar principles, is now available for Android smartphones and tablets. The game features over 300 puzzles in a wide range of sizes and difficulty levels, including 90 free puzzles to get you started and an extra free one which is released each week.

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Also known as Binero, Binoxxo and Noughts and Crosses

More Tic-Tac-Logic puzzle volumes will be published regularly. All puzzles have unique solutions. For complete feature list and game screenshots check the official app page on conceptispuzzles.com.

Tic-Tac-Logic, also known as Binero, Binoxxo and Noughts and Crosses, is a fun and addictive logic puzzle based on Tic-Tac-Toe, a pencil-and-paper game many of us used to enjoy as children. Each puzzle consists of a grid containing X's and O's in various places. The object is to place X or O in remaining squares according to the rules.

App video

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