Game widgetsShare these gamesLike our game widgets? Don't forget to share with your friends! Want to add interactive logic puzzles to your website, blog or personal Internet page? Conceptis offers a suite of web widgets for the most advanced interactive logic puzzles available on the market today. Each widget is a live puzzle broadcast channel, easy to install and with continuously updated content. Installation code for video tutorials and usable text for rules and interactive playing are also included. To install a widget, simply copy and paste the corresponding code from the list below into your template or page. Paint squares as you solve the puzzle and discover a beautiful pixel-art picture: This widget serves B&W Pic-a-Pix puzzles which are updated each week. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="pap-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpFind the symmetry, paint the blocks and discover a hidden pixel-art picture: This widget serves Basic Logic Sym-a-Pix puzzles which are updated each week. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="sap-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpFind the way clues are linked, paint the paths and discover a hidden pixel-art picture: This widget serves B&W Link-a-Pix puzzles which are updated each week. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="lap-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpFind which neighboring squares must be painted and create a beautiful picture: This widget serves Basic Logic Fill-a-Pix puzzles which are updated each week. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="fap-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpPaint squares and fill regions as you solve the puzzle and discover a beautiful pixel-art picture: This widget serves SingleClue Cross-a-Pix puzzles which are updated each week. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="cap-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpDiscover the path from entrance to exit, paint it, and reveal a real hidden picture: This widget serves B&W Maze-a-Pix puzzles which are updated each week. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules. Code:
<div id="map-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpConnect the dots to reveal the hidden picture: This widget serves B&W Dot-a-Pix puzzles which are updated each week. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules. Code:
<div id="dap-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpFill empty squares so each number appears exactly once in every row, column and box: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Sudoku puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="sud-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpFill all empty circles so that the numbers 1 to 4 (for 4x4 puzzles), 1 to 5 (for 5x5 puzzles) etc. appear exactly once in each row, column and chain: This widget serves progressively difficult Chain Sudoku puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="chain-sud-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpFill empty squares so each number appears exactly once in every row, column and box: This widget serves Diagonal Sudoku, Irregular Sudoku, Multi Sudoku 2.05, Odd Sudoku, Mega Sudoku, Multi Sudoku 2.01.1 and Sum Sudoku variants which are updated every 2 days. Also available are text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="sud-starter-2-widget"></div>
UpFill empty squares so each block sums up to the number on its left or on its top: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Kakuro puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="kak-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpDiscover by logic alone where the battleships fleet is hidden in the sea: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Battleships puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="bat-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpShade squares so that numbers don’t appear in a row or column more than once: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Hitori puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="hit-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpSurround each clue with lines, according to its value, to form one single loop: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Slitherlink puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="sli-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpConnect bridges between islands, according to their values, to form one continuous path: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Hashi puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="has-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpAddition, subtraction, multiplication and division will never be the same again: This widget serves progressively difficult SingleOp, DualOp and QuadOp CalcuDoku puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="cal-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpPartition between clues with walls to create islands with corresponding size: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Nurikabe puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="nur-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpArrange skyscrapers in a grid so their skyline is visible according to the clues: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Skyscrapers puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="sky-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpFill remaining squares so there are no more than two adjacent X or O in a row or column: This widget serves progressively difficult Classic Tic-Tac-Logic puzzles which start with very easy on Mondays and are updated every day. Also available are code for interactive tutorial installation and text for rules and interactive playing. Code:
<div id="ttl-starter-1-widget"></div>
UpInteractive tutorialsConceptis also offers for syndication a wide range of interactive tutorials showing how different puzzles are solved step by step from beginning to end. To view the full list and try out live examples please see here. UpAbout Conceptis widgetsConceptis widgets are the easiest and fastest way of adding quality interactive logic puzzles and interactive tutorials to any blog or web page. Each widget is a live puzzle broadcast channel which provides your visitors with the best puzzling experience available today:
Picture Logic puzzles are automatically updated each Friday at 10:00AM GMT. Classic Sudoku and Sudoku variants are updated every day and every two days respectively at 10:00 GMT. Puzzles may be played, saved and resumed until the next update occurs, as well as printed and solved on paper. Currently widgets are ad free though advertisements may be added in the future. UpSyndication referencesThe following is a partial list of blogs and websites running our widgets.
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