sharonella -> RE: Conceptis page on FaceBook (8/9/2008 9:52:06 PM)
I see you have done that, Leena, Thanks!! I guess only admins can add Photos into Albums on the Conceptis page. That is VERY annoying. I was hoping the Conceptis FaceBook page would be more "interactive". But I guess it is some sort of security feature. I'm glad you added the photos to the under fan photos, tho! I hope this encourages more people to add photos under fan photos. NOTE: If anyone wants to add a photo of any Conceptis puzzles they are particularly proud they have solved into the Puzzle Solutions Album, please email me privately and I will post them for you. (My email is now in my COnceptis profile.) Be sure they are Conceptis puzzles only, and provide me as much of the following info as you can with your photo: (You don't need to be a member of FaceBook for me to post your puzzle photo to the FaceBook page.) Type of puzzle (PAP, FAP, etc) The puzzle number and/or name (if you know it) What magazine or book it was in, if not from the website About how long it took you to solve Your Conceptis Screen name (or your first name) & country and anything else you'd like to add, like - why you particularly liked this puzzle how long you'd been solving when you tackled the puzzle You can include yourself (or your kids, or your pet,, or whoever) holding your puzzle - in fact, that would be awesome!! Thanks! Sha