Logic puzzle news

Released: B&W Link-a-Pix Light Vol 1

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Released: B&W Link-a-Pix Light Vol 1

B&W Link-a-Pix Light Vol 1, the 4th free package in the Light puzzle gaming series from Conceptis, is now available on Facebook, casual gaming portals and as a downloadable game.

Link-a-Pix are exciting clue-linking puzzles that form whimsical pixel-composed pictures when solved. Challenging, deductive and artistic, this original Japanese invention offers the ultimate mix of logic, art and fun while providing solvers with many hours of mentally stimulating entertainment. The new B&W Link-a-Pix Light offers an assortment of 30 easy to solve puzzles in sizes of 10x10, 15x15 and 20x20.

Where to play?

Enjoy playing our Light games?

Please take a moment to review and rate our Light games on your favorite gaming website. Here are some popular destinations: JayisGames, Kongregate, NewGrounds.

To play B&W Link-a-Pix Light on Facebook click 'Go to app' in the Logic Puzzle Starters* profile or go directly by clicking here. To stay updated with new game releases click the Like button at the bottom of the More Games application tab. You can also review and rate Logic Puzzle Starters as well as invite friends who you think may find this application interesting.

To play B&W Link-a-Pix Light as a casual web application visit this page on Jay is Games, a leading online magazine dedicated to casual game reviews. The guys at Jay is Games have also published a review of B&W Link-a-Pix Light which you can read here.

And, if you prefer playing offline, you may download the desktop application (Windows only) and install it on your computer.

*Update June 6, 2012: Logic Puzzle Starters app on Facebook has been discontinued. You may continue playing same games on the other platforms mentioned above.

More Light game releases from Conceptis

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