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RE: technical support background information

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RE: technical support background information - 4/13/2016 11:49:53 AM   


Posts: 48
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I'm still waiting for a response to that email I sent. I can't say I'm surprised. I never really expected anything to come of this. I just wanted the few fellow posters who read this forum to be aware of this little trick. Thanks for nothing Dave.

(in reply to dave)
Post #: 41
RE: technical support background information - 4/18/2016 4:29:21 AM   


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We haven't received any email. Please send directly to me at dave@conceptispuzzles.com.

By the way, the 2 puzzles mentioned 00390100021 and 00190100094 are completely different from each other (albeit they are both using black and blue colors).

Thanks, Dave

(in reply to MED401)
Post #: 42
RE: technical support background information - 4/18/2016 7:42:20 AM   


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How are the puzzles forming the exact same picture completely different? Try looking at them solved. And the issue of saved puzzles disappearing from my account and showing up as new has not been addressed at all. I sent you an email at the address you provided. I'm though with this game. It's not worth the headache.

< Message edited by MED401 -- 4/18/2016 7:43:36 AM >

(in reply to dave)
Post #: 43
RE: technical support background information - 4/19/2016 10:37:28 PM   


Posts: 1290
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From: Israel
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Sorry, but we didn't receive any email. Please send it again. As for the similar puzzles, 00390100021 has a picture of two pirates charging ashore while 00190100094 has a picture of three ballet dancers on stage. So I think you will agree this is not the same picture or a reduced version of the same picture. As for saved puzzles disappearing and showing up as new, there can be several reasons why this happens and it's best to discuss directly by email.

Thanks, Dave

(in reply to MED401)
Post #: 44
RE: technical support background information - 4/20/2016 9:11:04 AM   


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Sorry Dave, I'm done. If it happens again, I'll get back to you but right now I'm just over it. Nothing will get me back all the work I put into those saved puzzles. As for the 2 puzzles, we'll have to agree to disagree, they sure looked like ballet dancers in both cases to me. Anyway, no more emails.

(in reply to dave)
Post #: 45
RE: technical support background information - 6/25/2016 10:14:55 AM   


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From: Spain
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Hi guys, this is Luis from Spain:
Any plan for launching Android app ?. If not please develop it asap.
Thank you very much in advance.

(in reply to gilg)
Post #: 46
RE: technical support background information - 6/26/2016 2:20:35 AM   


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Hi guys, this is Luis from Spain:
Any plan for launching Android app ?. If not please develop it asap.
Thank you very much in advance.

They have Android apps. See: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Conceptis+Ltd.

(in reply to LuisPlayu)
Post #: 47
RE: technical support background information - 6/28/2016 5:44:40 PM   


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Can't get to "My New" today... must be an internet glitch or something.

(in reply to CharleneTX)
Post #: 48
RE: technical support background information - 6/28/2016 8:24:45 PM   


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Sorry Dave, I'm done. If it happens again, I'll get back to you but right now I'm just over it. Nothing will get me back all the work I put into those saved puzzles. As for the 2 puzzles, we'll have to agree to disagree, they sure looked like ballet dancers in both cases to me. Anyway, no more emails.

Jeez Med. You seriously need your eyes checked!

I went ahead and wasted the 140 credits to buy both puzzles (if I'd been thinking, I woulda just bought the packages for those two weeks instead), put up both on my side-by-side monitors and then just hit the button to show solution.

Other than both being black and blue pictures, the two are NOTHING alike. Anyone who thinks those two images are even remotely identical needs their eyes checked!

EDIT: A big thx to Dave and Conceptis Support for letting me buy the weekly packages for those two puzzles and giving me some credits to cover the 140 I foolishly wasted on the individual PaP puzzles. Thanks guys. :)

< Message edited by Ahlyis -- 6/28/2016 11:08:56 PM >

(in reply to MED401)
Post #: 49
RE: technical support background information - 6/29/2016 6:23:36 PM   


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Still nothing on any of the puzzles when I click on "my new". Same from home and work on two different machines. I'm in California if that helps.

The screen takes about a minute as if it's trying to load, then shows the usual screen but says "no puzzles found" or some such error. Been like this over 24 hours so it's less and less likely that it's just a glitch.

(in reply to Ahlyis)
Post #: 50
Help please - 8/10/2017 10:05:38 AM   


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I am having problems playing my puzzles the last two days.

Everything is fine on the front page. I can enter into the games with no problems and I can choose a puzzle to play and load it.

Once the puzzle I wish to play is open I cant do anything with the mouse.

I can move it around the page but nothing works when I try to click on anything - on the puzzle or options.

I am playing on Windows with Firefox.

I have just removed and reinstalled Adobe flash player.

Mouse working properly on everything but this page.

Please help - I need my daily dose of puzzles!



(in reply to Shagsbeard)
Post #: 51
RE: Help please - 8/10/2017 10:16:12 AM   


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Have also just cleared my cache with no result

(in reply to Midget40)
Post #: 52
RE: Help please - 8/10/2017 4:21:19 PM   


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I use Windows 10 and Firefox 54.0.1 but I don't have a problem. You could try a different browser to see if that's the problem.


(in reply to Midget40)
Post #: 53
RE: Help please - 8/10/2017 4:22:53 PM   


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I've been having the same problem for two days. The mouse pointer is 3" - 5" to the right of where the actual click is, if that makes any sense. For instance, if I want to click spomething on the left side of the screen I have to aim my pointer somewhere near the middle of the screen. It seems to register correctly on the vertical but the horizontal is way out of whack. Same problem on Pic-A-Pix and Soduko. Completely impossible to play.

(in reply to Midget40)
Post #: 54
RE: Help please - 8/14/2017 9:57:28 AM   


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Have found away around my problem but it is still annoying.

Today I also started having the same problem as Texcritter with the mousepointer.

I've managed to solve both problems the same way.

Instead of using the 'square' enlargement box (top right corner) to make the puzzle fit the screen once you have clicked on it to play - drag right side and bottom to make it enlarge to screen size instead.

I have no idea why this works but it does for me

(in reply to texcritter777)
Post #: 55
RE: Help please - 8/17/2017 2:42:44 AM   


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The nav bar is not working on my puzzles....again. This seems to happen at intervals. The action clicked gives a completely different result. Say I want to pause my puzzle, instead I get an error check or a restart request. It's annoying because I can't seem to pause any puzzles at all or save them. Yes I am using Firefox, the latest version. This always seems to be what the problem is blamed on. I have yet to download new versions of flash or java. Anyway I know I could switch to Explorer and this would probably work but if I wanted to be using explorer I'd be using it already. And since I come here to get some relaxation this makes the website useless to me since I don't find having to change browsers for one webpage relaxing. I find it annoying. As do I having to download new versions of flash or anything else just to make one webpage work. Any suggestions, besides explorer?

Edit: I have now tried to work on a couple puzzles and my mouse doesn't work at all. I can't work any puzzles. I have just restarted my computer and that didn't help. Is this the website or just lucky me? Anyway I've spent enough time on this for now, I'll try back tomorrow to see if anyone has any answers.

< Message edited by MED401 -- 8/17/2017 2:55:20 AM >

(in reply to Midget40)
Post #: 56
RE: Help please - 8/17/2017 5:35:14 AM   


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The most common cause of problems with the puzzles is an outdated version of Flash. I'm running Firefox and it's working for me.

(in reply to MED401)
Post #: 57
RE: Help please - 8/17/2017 7:17:54 AM   


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I reinstalled flash and that helped some but then I ended up with the problem of the cursor being inches away from where pointed. So I tried the solution of manually moving the borders of the puzzle and now everything seems to work. This is what fixed the nav bar, just reinstalling flash didn't fix this. So whatever, at least things are working now and thanks for trying to help, by the time I read this I'd already tried the flash solution but you didn't know that. Now I hope anyone else having problems will be able to fix them with one or both of these answers.

(in reply to CharleneTX)
Post #: 58
RE: Help please - 8/29/2017 11:19:02 PM   


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I'm having the same problem as texcritter777 and Midget40 with the mouse pointer and the mouse action being in different spots (distance and direction varies). Sometimes it appears as if nothing happens at all when I click, but I believe it's likely that the 'action spot' is just somewhere where nothing happens.
I've also found that dragging sides around may help. Sometimes it just changes the distance or direction, but playing around with it eventually solves it. It's still rather annoying.

It started right after I "upgraded" to the latest flash version. (I've tried installing older versions of flash, but failed to make any of them work on my pc). I use Windows 7 and Firefox 55

(in reply to MED401)
Post #: 59
RE: Help please - 8/30/2017 6:52:16 AM   


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It's a Firefox problem; v. 55 changed a setting. See this thread for the solution:


(in reply to Myamya)
Post #: 60
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