Ahlyis -> RE: technical support background information (6/28/2016 8:24:45 PM)
ORIGINAL: MED401 Sorry Dave, I'm done. If it happens again, I'll get back to you but right now I'm just over it. Nothing will get me back all the work I put into those saved puzzles. As for the 2 puzzles, we'll have to agree to disagree, they sure looked like ballet dancers in both cases to me. Anyway, no more emails. Jeez Med. You seriously need your eyes checked! I went ahead and wasted the 140 credits to buy both puzzles (if I'd been thinking, I woulda just bought the packages for those two weeks instead), put up both on my side-by-side monitors and then just hit the button to show solution. Other than both being black and blue pictures, the two are NOTHING alike. Anyone who thinks those two images are even remotely identical needs their eyes checked! EDIT: A big thx to Dave and Conceptis Support for letting me buy the weekly packages for those two puzzles and giving me some credits to cover the 140 I foolishly wasted on the individual PaP puzzles. Thanks guys. :)