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RE: technical support background information

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RE: technical support background information - 12/9/2011 8:59:18 PM   


Posts: 1290
Joined: 4/28/2002
From: Israel
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Hi mdbank

The problem you describe can occur if there is a corruption in the Adobe Flash S/W. You can try re-installing the latest version. Another reason might be disabling the Flash add-on: Internet Explorer > Tools > Manage Add-ons > Shockwave Flash Object ... if it's disabled then try enabling it.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, Dave

(in reply to mdbank)
Post #: 21
RE: technical support background information - 4/23/2012 8:18:57 AM   


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From: Afghanistan
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Hi there. I have been unable to view any puzzles for several months now. I have again reinstalled adobe flash player but still no success. Are you able to assist?

1. OS - Windows
2. Browser - Internet explorer
3. Flash Player Version - 11
4. Screen shot (for some reason I am unable to paste screen shot into this forum nor can I upload a file with the image in it) but it is the same screen without any puzzles.


(in reply to gilg)
Post #: 22
RE: technical support background information - 4/23/2012 3:04:11 PM   


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I have still been unable to get it to work in IE but it is working fine under Mozilla Firefox. I would suggest trying that.

Good luck!

(in reply to spooketteplays)
Post #: 23
RE: technical support background information - 4/24/2012 12:20:50 PM   


Posts: 156
Joined: 5/2/2002
From: Israel
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Hi spooketteplays

Please try updating Internet Explorer.

(in reply to spooketteplays)
Post #: 24
RE: technical support background information - 9/20/2012 2:12:10 PM   


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From: United States
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Hi. I am running Windows, IE, just installed the newest Flash Player 11, cookies are enabled and JavaScript is allowed. I don't know how to take a screen shot, but the thumbnails where I should see the puzzles for each week are blank. I just bought more credits, and then this happened. Please advise. Thanks!

(in reply to gilg)
Post #: 25
RE: technical support background information - 9/22/2012 8:23:22 PM   


Posts: 1290
Joined: 4/28/2002
From: Israel
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Hi nsands

below is a list of things you can do. I'm pretty sure one of them will fix your problem.

- Cache: Try clearing your browser’s cache.
- Pop-up blocker: Please make sure pop-ups are enabled. If you have Google pop-up blocker make sure it is switched off for Conceptis website.
- Flash add-on disabled: Check your browser’s add-ons, to make sure Flash is enabled.
- Corrupted Flash S/W: Download and re-install Adobe Flash.

Thanks, Dave

(in reply to nsands)
Post #: 26
problems paypal - 9/28/2013 9:43:16 AM   


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From: Netherlands
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I tried to purchase credits with paypal, with enough money on my account, but it is refused over and over again. I did payments to other accounts yesterday and these all went well.
(Mac OS, tried using Safari and Google Chrome.)

Any idea what to do?

(in reply to mdbank)
Post #: 27
RE: technical support background information - 12/23/2013 3:18:59 AM   


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I'm using Windows 7,

I have tried both Goggle Chrome (my usual browser) and Internet Explorer.

My Flash Player version is 11,9,900,170.

When I open the Pic-a-Pix sample page, it does not look like the reference screenshot: The pictures of the puzzles are missing, and the 'play' buttons are missing.

Everything was working just a few hours ago; then I came back after logging out, and all the pictures of the puzzles are missing. When I click where the pictures should be, nothing happens.



(in reply to gilg)
Post #: 28
RE: technical support background information - 12/25/2013 7:50:30 PM   


Posts: 1290
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From: Israel
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It seems there is some problem with the Adobe Flash software. You can try re-installing Adobe Flash.

Thanks, Dave

(in reply to BobbeAtHome)
Post #: 29
RE: technical support background information - 2/5/2014 11:44:19 AM   
Maggie Bleksley


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I have been using Conceptis puzzles for several years with virtually no problems until the last couple of days. Suddenly, the links to the puzzles have stopped working, even one that I have bought, saved and am halfway through solving. I am using Windows XP and my normal browser is Firefox. I tried it on Windows Explorer last night, to see if that would work on there, but that was even worse. I couldn't even see the thumbnails on there, let alone load up the puzzles. I have a pop up blocker on Firefox, but this website is an exception and even when I unchecked the block pop ups box it still didn't work. I restarted my computer, hoping it was a temporary software problem, but still to no avail. I have Adobe flash player, which has never let me down on this website before, apart from temporary crashes, in which case the problem is made quite clear. Can anybody help me?

(in reply to gilg)
Post #: 30
RE: technical support background information - 2/5/2014 10:55:29 PM   


Posts: 1290
Joined: 4/28/2002
From: Israel
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Here is a list of fixes we usually recommend in situations like yours. We hope one of them will work:

- Cache: Try clearing your browser’s cache.
- Pop-up blocker: Please make sure pop-ups are enabled. If you have Google pop-up blocker make sure it is switched off for Conceptis website.
- Flash add-on disabled: Check your browser’s add-ons, to make sure Flash is enabled.
- Corrupted Flash S/W: Download and re-install Adobe Flash.

Thanks, Dave

(in reply to Maggie Bleksley)
Post #: 31
RE: technical support background information - 2/7/2014 8:41:00 AM   
Maggie Bleksley


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From: United Kingdom
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Thanks for your help, Dave. Unfortunately none of the things you suggested have worked . I've also re-installed Java and checked than Javascript is enabled, but all to no avail. Any other suggestions?

(in reply to dave)
Post #: 32
RE: technical support background information - 6/18/2014 2:29:25 AM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 11/21/2013
From: Canada
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Windows 7
Mozilla FireFox 29.0.1 and Internet Explorer 11.0.9
Adobe Flash 14,0,0,125

All the puzzles I usually do work fine, except for one little issue. The 'Smart-Fill Cursor' no longer works on the Fill-a-Pix puzzles. This seems to have started after the Adobe Flash update a few months ago and has continued after the most recent update which I did today.

The red box cursor used to follow the mouse around and when I clicked it, it would fill in the box. However, now when I switch to the 'Smart-Fill Cursor' it just appears in the puzzle. It can be dragged around, but will only fill in the box the regular cursor is on, not the 9-block red square. The feature hasn't work on either FireFox or Internet Explorer for the last two Adobe Flash updates. I've previously tried uninstalling/reinstalling Flash and it hasn't helped.

It's not a big issue, as I can still complete the puzzle. It's more just an annoyance after getting used to using the feature and it suddenly not being available. However, is there any way to fix this?

(in reply to Maggie Bleksley)
Post #: 33
RE: technical support background information - 6/18/2014 8:10:56 AM   


Posts: 1290
Joined: 4/28/2002
From: Israel
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Hi Taltos

Just to make sure: did you select the option "Use Smart-fill cursor as mouse pointer" in the Settings?

Thanks, Dave

(in reply to Taltos)
Post #: 34
RE: technical support background information - 6/19/2014 10:31:02 PM   


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From: Canada
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I selected it by choosing the icon at the top of the game field (next to the 'restart' button). The red 3x3 box appears in the game, but it doesn't work as a cursor. It worked fine before the last two Flash updates, so I have been able to use it previously.

(in reply to dave)
Post #: 35
RE: technical support background information - 2/21/2016 6:09:41 PM   


Posts: 5
Joined: 7/22/2008
From: Germany
Status: offline
Hi, I have Windows 10 now and cannot print anymore a puzzle.
"Flash modern browser print" doesn't recognise the Printer anymore although it's working perfectly.
Do you have any recommendations for me, please?
Thanks and greetings from Germany!

(in reply to mdbank)
Post #: 36
RE: technical support background information - 2/27/2016 1:51:15 PM   


Posts: 48
Joined: 4/14/2009
From: United States
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Hi, I'll provide all that computer info jazz if you do need it but this question I would think has to do with your servers.

I did have four puzzles saved (pap)up until the day before yesterday, then all of the sudden I had only one. It was my most recently saved puzzle that was still there. I waited a day hoping the other three would reappear in my saved section but nothing so far. I had been saving these puzzles for quite some time but I thought that didn't make any difference. Is there a time limit for saving puzzles? Otherwise everything is normal on my page and in solving puzzles.

(in reply to Helgi)
Post #: 37
RE: technical support background information - 3/7/2016 3:35:50 PM   


Posts: 48
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From: United States
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Well, I see I have no response but I have found out what happened with one of my saved puzzles(out of the three missing). It has been resized. I just happened to buy the resized version and as I worked on it realized it was the same puzzle. The original saved one was a 100x60 pap. The one I just bought is a 65x40. So now I have duplicate 2color puzzles. This seems unfair. Is this what happened with my other 2 100x60 saved puzzles and I just didn't buy these? As far as I'm concerned you owe me some credits. I wonder how often this happens and no one notices. The only reason I noticed was this coincidence.

Edit: I know this is probably a lost cause, but I haven't given up quite yet. It occurred to me that I should post the puzzle IDs. So here they are: 100x60 puzzle ID is 00390100021. Puzzle ID for the 65x40 is 00190100094. If anyone cares.

< Message edited by MED401 -- 3/11/2016 4:08:07 PM >

(in reply to MED401)
Post #: 38
RE: technical support background information - 3/7/2016 5:34:48 PM   


Posts: 5
Joined: 7/22/2008
From: Germany
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Still doesn't work. There should be a solution, please inform me.
Since Windows 10 the Printer is not recognised. Thanks and greetings from Erlangen, Germany

(in reply to MED401)
Post #: 39
RE: technical support background information - 3/20/2016 4:21:11 PM   


Posts: 1290
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From: Israel
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Hi MED401

Please send us an email and we'll help you with this problem.

Thanks, Dave

(in reply to MED401)
Post #: 40
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